How to Keep Your Clients Longer, and Give Them Better Results

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 7, 2024 comments Tags: product creation, Business planning

Would you love to keep your coaching clients longer, and get paid more for giving them even BETTER results?

I recently gave a coach an idea she can use to do exactly that.

This coach and I were talking about how she helps people recover from being in a toxic relationship with a narcissist.

She told me about the things she’s already teaching her clients, and I was impressed. It sounds like she already has an amazingly valuable coaching program!

But as always, I was keeping an eye out for ways to get her and her clients bigger and better results.

Here's the advice I gave her:

“It’s great that you’re helping people recover from these toxic relationships. But what about the mindsets, habits, and relationship patterns that get them into those relationships in the first place? Does your current coaching program help them fix those issues, so they don’t wind up falling for another narcissist? Or can you offer another program to help with that?”

She paused, and a light went on in her eyes.

She hadn’t been offering that as a coaching program… but now that she thought of it, this WAS something her clients needed, and she could help them with it!

By adding this offer to her toolbox, she’ll be able to work with her clients longer, give them better and longer-lasting results, and make more money per client.

Remember, the people who are the most likely to buy from you are the ones who know, like, and trust you so much that they've already paid to work with you.

So ask yourself:

“Is there another part of their journey I can help them with, or a problem I can help them solve that’s closely related to the one I’m already solving for them?”

This will give you the power to massively boost your client retention, your revenue per client, and the transformations you create in your client's lives.

Do you need help to figure out what other programs you can offer your clients?

If you want a faster, easier way to:

1. Figure out what other programs you can offer your clients

2. Decide what teaching points, action steps, bonuses, and other content to include in those programs

3. Tie the new program in with your existing offers, so it feels like a natural next step

4. Describe it in a way that gets your clients excited about buying it

...I’d be happy to get on a call with you!

I can help you come up with ideas you might not have thought of on your own, refine those ideas into a life-changing program your clients will happily buy, and sell that program to your clients.

If that sounds like something you'd like to explore, book a call with me today!


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



