6 Questions to Help You Create a Bio that Gets Clients

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 17, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Public speaking, Client attraction, About me page, product launch, Webinar, Branding, Website design


Have you ever read an "About Me" page that looked and felt like an entry in an encyclopedia, or listened to a webinar presenter share a backstory that made you wonder why they were telling you all of this?

Now, here's a better question: did you read or listen to the whole thing, or did you get bored and click away from the page partway through?

Some bios inspire their audiences to contact you, or encourage them to buy your services. Others attempt to show the company's or presenter's credibility, but are too dry or irrelevant to get the job done.

Today, I'm going to tell you what you need to avoid in your bios and "About Me" pages, and give you some questions you can use to create a kickass profile that connects with your audience on an emotional level and makes them want to work with you.

By the way, these tips aren't just for website pages - you can use them in guest blog post bios, stage presentations, webinars and teleseminars, too! ;)

What NOT to do in your "About Me" pages and presentations:

1. Give a boring list of facts - especially if some of those facts are irrelevant.

Yes, the fact that you've been in business for decades helps to show that you're well established and have a lot of experience in serving your clients.

But if you simply say something like "Our business was founded in Pittsburgh in 1997. From there, we established branches in Colorado, New York and Orlando, and we opened our marketing branch in 2005", that isn't exactly going to ignite desire in your readers' hearts or help them to form an emotional connection with you.

It's just a dry list of facts - some of which don't matter that much to your clients. Sure, the fact that you have several branches shows that your company is growing, but it doesn't really convey how you'll help your clients grow.

If you want to share facts about your business, stick with the ones that matter to your audience. Here's an example:

"Since we started out in 1997, we've helped over 1,500 single mothers to create lifestyle-friendly six-figure businesses, so they could spend lots of time with their kids without worrying about how they'd pay the bills or the college tuition."

Here's why that second example is much more compelling:

1. It identifies the target audience in clear, readily understandable terms.

2. It tells the reader EXACTLY how you help them, which is much more important to them than how many branches you have.

3. It paints a picture of what their life will be like after they work with you.

4. It gives social proof in a way that's specifically applicable to the reader. A business can have lots of branches while still offering crappy service, but if you've helped 1,500 people like the reader to get a big, desirable result, that's a sign that you're good at your job!

2. Be generic.

People make their buying decisions emotionally first, then rationally. If you or your business show a personality they really resonate with, they'll want to work with you just because they like you!

This aspect alone doesn't guarantee that they'll buy from you, but it will make them more inclined to choose you over competitors with whom they don't have that emotional connection.

If you and your competition have similar products and prices, the personality in your About Page - and, more importantly, throughout your entire brand - can make the difference in who your potential clients choose. So be quirky, be unique, and let your personality shine!

"‹Here are some questions to help you create a knockout bio:

1. What were you struggling with before you gained the knowledge or system you use?

When you reveal that you went through difficult circumstances, especially if they're similar to the ones your clients are wrestling with, it helps the audience relate to you.

Now they see that you aren't some perfect coach whose success was facilitated by a flawless life. Instead, you're a person like them, with your own trials and triumphs, and the fact that your methods helped you overcome those challenges serves as proof that those methods work.

It doesn't necessarily have to be you who went through this painful situation. It could also be someone whose experience inspired you to want to make a difference.

For example, I know a male relationship coach who helps 6-figure women to attract mature and loving men. He chose this career because he watched his mother struggle to find love, and he saw the effect it had on her. Even though he didn't personally experience being a single woman who's seeking a great husband, he still has a strong personal reason to want to help that demographic.

Whatever you do, make sure you help your audience to see that you understand and care about their pain. That will help them to trust you as an expert who knows what they're going through, and it helps them see that the problem they have is the same problem you solve.

2. What led you to seek out and discover the solution you currently use?

Did you hit rock bottom? Decide that your dreams couldn't wait anymore? Realize there was a big difference you wanted to make in the world?

What was the turning point that made you say "I need to find a solution", or "This solution's shown up in my life, and I need to put it to use"?

This can help to inspire your audience to make the same kind of leap themselves.

3. What solution or revelation did you discover?

This is where you start to establish the credibility of the solution you found, and help the audience to see how much work you had to do to get where you are - and, by extension, how much work they can save by letting you help them do it the easy way.

This answer can include which experts you trained under, what strategies you discovered, what pieces were missing from those strategies and subsequently added by you, the moment when you realized what was REALLY holding you back, and some of the things you tried, studied or experimented with in the process of creating the solution you offer now.

4. What changes have you experienced as a result of using your system or applying the principles you teach?

When you're sharing this part, use specifics like time frames, dollar amounts, and anything else that's applicable to the results you got. The more specific you can be, the more compelling your story will be.

For example, you can say "I met the man of my dreams in just two months, and eight months later, he proposed! Now, I feel loved and cherished every day, and he supports me in everything from my career ambitions to the household chores!"

Or, "Until then, I'd been making $4,000 a month at most. After I started using this, I made $10,000 the very next month. Now, five years later, I'm making $200,000 a month like clockwork. That means I can afford to go on yearly vacations, and I can give my kids the beautiful home, long-desired Christmas presents, and great education that I always wanted to provide for them."

Paint a picture of the life you're enjoying, and the life you can help your clients to create.

5. What are some of the worst problems your clients have been struggling with when they came to you, and what did they experience after working with you?

After you tell people what you've accomplished in your own life, tell them about the transformations you've helped other people create.

One formula you can use is, "Now, I'm passionate about helping other people to create the same kind of success I enjoy. I've helped people who (describe the biggest problems you've helped solve) to (the results you helped them create)."

For example, "I've helped people who had been bouncing from one abusive relationship to another for over ten years to meet a loving, healthy partner who adores them, supports them, and wants to stay with them for the rest of their lives."

6. If someone wants to learn more about you and explore working with you, what's the best first step they can take?

Now that some of your audience wants to work with you, don't leave them wondering how to get started.

Tell them exactly what email address to contact you at, what phone number to call, what form to fill out, what calendar app to book an appointment in, or what other step you want them to take.

Don't ask them to do too many things at once; that will just confuse them, and it risks giving them a case of decision paralysis that prevents them from taking any action at all.

Instead, give them one call to action, tell them exactly how to use it, and tell them what will happen after they take it.

For example, "If you want to book a free strategy session to see what's keeping you from making six figures a month, and to see if I'm the right coach to help you create the income and impact on the world you've been dreaming of, click this link to visit my calendar and book your appointment."

There you go! You're now ready to create a compelling bio that connects with your audience on an emotional level, tells them why they should listen to you, and helps them to see that you can solve their problem and get them the results they're looking for.

Want to get your bio or other marketing materials written for you?

Sometimes, even if you know how to do something, you don't have the time or desire to do it yourself.

That's where I come in.

If you want to save hours of work by getting your bio, blog posts, website pages, video scripts, or other marketing materials written for you, contact me today to book an appointment so we can discuss your needs and see if we're a good fit.


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



