6 Reasons to Create a Coaching Curriculum, Even If You Coach One-on-One

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 4, 2021 comments Tags: product creation, Time management, Business planning, Customer retention

Microphone in front of crowdFor many coaches, working with their clients one-on-one is what gives them joy. They enjoy the intimate environment, and the ability to dive deep into their clients' private experiences, challenges, dreams, fears, hopes and triumphs.

But even if you never want to stop coaching one-on-one, you can help a lot more people "“ and have an additional way to bring people into your one-on-one package "“ by adding a group coaching curriculum to your toolbox.

Here are 6 reasons why having a curriculum can be useful to a coach who's sticking with one-on-one sessions:

Reason 1: It's a way to help clients who aren't ready for your one-on-one package.

For example, if you have a one-on-one coaching package worth $5,000, not every client will be ready for that.

Some of them will need to experience a sample of your expertise, and to get some real results from you, before they're ready to make that big an investment.

Others WANT to buy that package, but will need some help before they can afford it.

Offering a smaller, pre-recorded program, or a lower-priced group program in which you teach people in groups and each participant gets less of your personal time, is a way to help these people without devaluing your precious one-on-one time.

If you're helping your client to make or save money, it can also help them to build up the funds they need to invest in your one-on-one package.

All in all, pre-recorded curricula and group coaching sessions can be a great way to get your foot in the door with your clients, serve more clients at a time, and get paid more.

Reason 2: Your income and impact aren't dependent on your workload.

The downside of one-on-one coaching is that your income and impact are directly tied to your working hours. If you aren't actively working, then you aren't serving clients, changing lives, or getting paid.

When you supplement your one-on-one coaching with a pre-recorded coaching or training program, which your clients can buy and use without your active input, this enables you to keep on helping people and making income even if you go on vacation, get sick, or have a crisis that makes it difficult or impossible to keep working.

Reason 3: Having a curriculum helps you train other coaches to use your methods.

Another way to keep serving clients even when you're not actively working is to train other coaches to use your methods of helping people.

If you have a curriculum clearly laid out, this can help the coaches you train to know what strategies to teach the clients and/or use in their own coaching, what guidelines to use when deciding what kind of advice to give to clients, and what tips and tools they have available to provide to the clients.

Reason 4: Having a clear system or strategy can boost your credibility.

If you can tell your clients that you have a clear, specific strategy that other people have used to get the results they want, this can help to reassure them that you know exactly what you're doing, and you know what actions are likely to get them the outcome they desire.

Of course, you will probably have to tailor it to their exact situation, or provide advice that supplements your teaching by telling the client how to implement it in a way that fits their unique situation.

This support and customization can be provided via group coaching calls, email support, DM support, or a set number of one-on-one calls that comes with the training package.

Reason 5: It helps you keep track of all the steps your clients need to take.

Even if you prefer to figure things out with your clients as you go along, having a clear roadmap of the steps that lead to the best result can help you to make sure that no necessary steps are getting missed, and that you aren't forgetting to share any important tips or tools.

This takes the burden of memorization off of you, leaving you with more free mental energy with which to be creative.

Reason 6: It helps you realize just how much you know.

If you've been struggling with impostor syndrome, or simply with feeling like you don't have enough knowledge to qualify as a great coach, writing down a list of everything you know can be an eye-opening experience.

When you list all the skills you help your clients master, and the steps you help them take, and then break each of those steps down into the little details and actions your clients need in order to take those steps effectively, you might be surprised to discover just how much you know!

This can be a big confidence booster, which helps you bring better, more reassuring and inspiring energy to your sessions with your clients.

Do you want to create a coaching curriculum?

If you want to turn your expertise into a program that empowers you to help more people, create more abundance and time freedom, and leave a legacy of knowledge that can continue even after you're gone, I'll be happy to help.

I currently have two options for coaches who are planning to create their own curriculum:

1. My 1 Month Program Builder book, which gives you a written walkthrough of the whole process from start to finish.

2. A VIP coaching session, in which I'll personally walk you through the process of turning your expertise into a program or curriculum, and give you advice and suggestions that are tailored to your business, clients, and desired lifestyle.

Whichever route you choose, I'll be honored to be part of your mission.


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



