Why Highly Educated People Often Struggle to Make Sales

By: Stephanie Tuesday July 18, 2017 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Public speaking, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Enrollment, Public relations, Lead nurture, Social media, Website design, Video marketing, Referral marketing

If you're a highly intelligent, educated person, you probably have a special challenge when it comes to making sales.

You explain your offering to your client, you tell them what you'll help them do, and you give them a list of the things they'll get...

...but instead of getting as excited as you thought they would, and immediately taking action to purchase a product they obviously need, they go blank-eyed and seem to lose all interest.

They might ask you "What does that mean?", give a neutrally polite "that's interesting", or tell you that they don't need it, don't have time for it, or can't afford it right now.

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you KNOW that your offer could change their lives! Why can they not see how much they need you?!

If you run into this problem a lot, it's probably because you're making a very popular, but unfortunately false, assumption about your clients.

Smart people often lose sales because they assume that their clients know as much as they do.

If you're an accountant, you know all about deductions, claiming expenses, and tax reduction strategies.

But if you're the Joe Everyman to whom that accountant is marketing, you might not even know what tax deductions ARE, let alone why you need them, or why you need them ENOUGH to go out of your way to get them.

If you're a life coach, you know why people need to master the universal laws of success, and why they need to clear out the mental paradigms that are holding them back from fulfilling their dreams, but your clients might not even know those laws exist, or be willing to admit that they HAVE false beliefs or negative mental paradigms.

People won't buy something if they don't know what it is, and they won't buy the cure to a disease they don't think they have.

But even if they know that what you're offering is a good thing to have, that might not be enough.

Just because people want something, that doesn't mean they want it ENOUGH to pay for it.

Most people would like to be fit and healthy, but how many people do you know who eat too much junk food and don't exercise?

Just because people know something is good, that doesn't automatically mean that they want it enough to go out of their way to get it.

If you want people to want your offering enough to pay for it, you need to help them see why they want it REALLY badly - and you have to explain it in terms of the things they actually DO want.

And when it comes to what they want, I have some bad news: what they want is NOT your course, products or services!

What do you mean, my clients don't want my services, products or programs?

Let me give you an example.

Let's say you're a relationship coach who helps women to find and marry the man of their dreams.

To accomplish this, you have a three-day live event, followed by six months of group coaching calls with accompanying handouts.

Do your clients want the event, group calls and handouts?


That's just extra time they have to spend! That isn't a selling point; it's actually an extra cost on their end.

Do they want the information they receive through the event, calls and handouts?

Not really! Sure, they may be curious about the information, but WHY are they curious about it?

Because it helps them to get what they REALLY want, which is the love, security, companionship and passion of a loving, lifelong relationship with a person they adore.

If you want people to buy from you, you have to offer them what they WANT. They don't want the method, and they often don't even know that that method is what they need. But they DO know that they want the result.

As the person who knows that your offering is the path that leads to them getting the result they want, you need to help them see that working with you helps them create the life or experience they desire.

If they don't care about my product, program or service, what SHOULD I talk to them about?

Instead of talking about things like weekend events, handouts, group calls, deductions, mental paradigms, universal laws, or emotional blockages, talk about the visible, audible, tangible experiences they'll have.

What kinds of luxuries will they be able to afford if they pay less taxes?

Nice meals, better presents at their child's next birthday party, maybe even a great vacation?

What kinds of problems will they stop having when they get rid of their emotional blockages and negative paradigms?

Will they stop struggling to pay their bills, and start being able to afford the things they wanted but couldn't have before?

Stop attracting bad romantic partners, feeling rejected and unworthy, and getting taken advantage of?

Stop sabotaging opportunities? Stop snapping at the people they love when they'd meant to keep their temper in check?

What will happen when they master the universal laws of success?

Will they get more clients and money, have more time freedom, and build a lucrative business by doing what they love? Attract their soulmate? Make a bigger difference in the world? Travel more? Fulfill some other dream that currently feels out of reach?

The more your clients can mentally see, hear, feel, smell and taste the results you promise them, the more real and desirable that outcome will be to them, and the more they'll want it.

So whenever you describe your offering, don't talk about what you do or what materials or process you'll give your clients. Talk about the events, experiences or luxuries they'll experience as a RESULT of using your offer.

Yes, there will come a point where you need to explain the methods by which you help people get the results, but that stage comes after they understand how those methods help them get what they want. Until then, you'll only be boring them with details they have no reason to care about.

First, help them to see why they need your product. Then, once they understand why they need it and are getting excited about it, explain how it works so they know what they're getting into.

Not sure how to describe your offering in ways that make people want to buy?

You're far from alone - a LOT of business owners have that problem!

That's why I coauthored an ebook called Get More Referrals and Make More Sales: How to Get Your Referral Marketing Done For You, and Turn More Leads Into Paying Clients.

In it, you'll discover how to attract more leads, explain your offering to those leads in a way that makes them want to buy it, and get more referrals, so you can help more people, enjoy an abundant income and more time freedom, and make a bigger difference in the world.

Click the button below to get the details and grab your copy!



About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



