Are You Offering Something Your Clients Want? Here's a Quick Litmus Test

By: Stephanie Tuesday August 6, 2019 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Enrollment, Social media, Branding, Website design, Video marketing, Sales

Sometimes when I watch other business owners describe their product or service, the description leaves me thinking, "Wow... not only does that NOT make me want your product, but it actually makes me feel LESS inclined to explore your offer."

Other times, I can see how it might be useful, or why the product is of high quality, but I'm not really convinced that I need it.


Often, it's because their marketing failed a simple yet powerful litmus test that determines whether they're speaking about the right things to get their potential clients interested.

In this video, I share an example of marketing that fails this important test, and I also reveal what the test is and how you can use it in your marketing. It takes very little time to implement, but it can make a HUGE difference in the effectiveness of your client attraction efforts!



Hi, my name is Stephanie O'Brien. I help entrepreneurs, especially coaches, to describe their offer in a way that gets people interested in buying it. And I help them to find or to create a plan to share that message with the people who need it.

So today I'm going to share a litmus test you can use to determine whether or not your description of your offer is good.

A lot of people don't realize how to describe their offer. They say something like, "Come to my weekend intensive, you get three days' time with me and you get hours upon hours of coaching materials, you get all these handouts."

And I'm looking at that going, "Wow, you want me to spend a weekend on this? And spend hours upon hours on coaching calls, then go through all these materials! and for what? You didn't tell me! What am I going to get out of this?"

So a really good litmus test you can use to determine whether or not your marketing material is good is to ask yourself, "If my client could get what they want without what I'm offering, would they do it?"

Say you're a relationship coach and this weekend intensive is for how to get rid of the mindset problems that are keeping you from finding "The One." If the clients could get their perfect partner and be happy and loved with their soulmate without going to your weekend intensive, would they?

If they could meet their soulmate and marry them without having your coaching materials, without being on your coaching calls, would they? The answer is probably "Yes."

So don't talk about the journey. The journey is not what they want. Talk about the results.

If you're going to talk about the journey, talk about it in terms of how you make the journey easier for them, or how you can serve demographics or specific groups that have trouble.

For example, single mothers or older women who might have more trouble dating because they've been out of the dating pool for a long time, so they're still "getting back on the horse."

If you're going to talk about the process talk about how it helps people of a specific demographic, or just makes it easier for people in general.

So if you'd like to get more tips, my website is I've got a blog on there with all sorts of marketing tips. And if you need some personalized help, you can email me at [email protected].

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There is a time and a place to talk about the logistics of your offer - namely, AFTER the clients are interested enough in the results you create that they want to know how you create those results. But don't try to make your first impression by talking about something they don't yet have a reason to care about!

Do you want to get your marketing materials written for you, so you can spend more time getting paid for doing what you love, enjoying your favorite hobbies, and having quality time with your family and friends? Visit this page to learn more about my copywriting services.


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



