
How to Stop Wasting Your Time, and Focus on the Activities that Bring Income

By: Stephanie Friday August 19, 2016 comments Tags: Time management, success

How to Stop Wasting Your Time, and Focus on the Activities that Bring Income

Are you starting your day in a way that will bring you income and success, or are you setting yourself up for frustration and wasted time? One of the questions that Loral Langemeier is often asked is,How do you start your day? In todays Guest Star blog post, she reveals how she starts her day in a way that sets her up for success, and how she focuses her time on activities that bring her revenue, rather than the actions that are merely distractions from her real goals. So if you often find yourself staying busy all... Read More

Guest Star Post: How to Plan a Product Launch

By: Stephanie Friday August 5, 2016 comments Tags: product launch, success, leadership

Guest Star Post: How to Plan a Product Launch

Launching a product can be a big, complex job. There are lots of tasks to complete, materials to create, and moving parts to keep moving in the right direction. How do you keep track of it all, and make sure that everything is done correctly and on time? In today's Guest Star blog post, I'll give you step-by-step instructions for planning your launch, so you can make sure that your client attraction system is ready for the big day. ... Read More

Guest Star Post: 4 Myths That Keep Hardworking People From Succeeding

By: Stephanie Friday May 27, 2016 comments Tags: Time management, Mindset, success

Guest Star Post: 4 Myths That Keep Hardworking People From Succeeding

Do you work hard and give great service, and yet struggle to get ahead in life? If you are, the solution probably isn't to work harder. You're already doing plenty of that. The solution is to find out WHY your hard work isn't paying off. In today's Guest Star blog post, I'll reveal four myths that hold hardworking people back from success, and how you can break free of those myths and enjoy the influence and abundance you've been dreaming of. ... Read More

One Simple Step to Instantly Feel More Peaceful and Confident

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 24, 2016 comments Tags: success, Time management, Mindset, Motivation, Inspiration

One Simple Step to Instantly Feel More Peaceful and Confident

Have you ever had a time when something drained your energy and confidence every time you thought about it? It might not have been something important - maybe it was just a mess on your desk, an email you'd been planning to send, or a side project you'd started but never finished. But whatever it was, it was - or still is - nagging at you, stealing your energy every time you think about it, and creating an uneasy feeling of "If I haven't even finished THAT, can I trust myself to finish the next thing I start?" The project wasn't... Read More



