
Interview - What to Say in Your Marketing Materials

By: Stephanie Tuesday June 12, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, Content marketing

Interview - What to Say in Your Marketing Materials

Do you ever wonder how to get potential clients' attention, what to say in your marketing materials to turn casual viewers into clients, and why some potential clients walk away even though they need your services? In this six-minute video, I reveal all of that and more in an interview with Jeff Bloom from 360 Degrees to Success. Click the video below to watch the interview! If you want to hear the full 20-minute interview, please visit and sign up for the seminar series in which... Read More

Should You Share Your Ugly Past With Your Potential Clients?

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 15, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Mindset, Inspiration, Public speaking, Client attraction, About me page, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Enrollment, Public relations, Social media, Website design, Video marketing

Should You Share Your Ugly Past With Your Potential Clients?

If you host webinars, give live presentations, have an "About Me" page on your site, or otherwise share your story with your audience, I have a question for you: Do you share your raw, real story, warts and all? Or do you present a pretty, polished version for fear of making people uncomfortable or making yourself look bad? A few years ago, I met a business owner who faced that conundrum. She'd been abused, had lived on the streets, and had struggled to support herself. Since then, she'd become a six-figure business owner, and she... Read More

6 Questions to Help You Create a Bio that Gets Clients

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 17, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Public speaking, Client attraction, About me page, product launch, Webinar, Branding, Website design

6 Questions to Help You Create a Bio that Gets Clients

Have you ever read an "About Me" page that looked and felt like an entry in an encyclopedia, or listened to a webinar presenter share a backstory that made you wonder why they were telling you all of this? Now, here's a better question: did you read or listen to the whole thing, or did you get bored and click away from the page partway through? Some bios inspire their audiences to contact you, or encourage them to buy your services. Others attempt to show the company's or presenter's credibility, but are too dry or irrelevant to get... Read More

How to Convince Clients that You Can Get Results - Even If You're Just Starting Out

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 3, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Client attraction, Email marketing, Content marketing, Enrollment

How to Convince Clients that You Can Get Results - Even If You're Just Starting Out

When a client is thinking about making a purchase from you, they have one primary question: can you get them the result they want? How long you've been in business, how pretty your website is, and how many features your offer includes are secondary to this one all-important question. Those elements can help you make a sale, but unless the client likes the answer to That One Question, they're unlikely to buy anything. For some people, it can be a challenge to convincingly answer that question, especially if you're just starting out.... Read More

7 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Business Profitable

By: Stephanie Tuesday January 9, 2018 comments Tags: Marketing, Time management, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Mindset, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, leadership, Business planning, Social media, Website design, Referral marketing

7 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Business Profitable

Another business owner recently asked me, "How do you keep your business profitable?" Today, I'm going to share the answers I gave them: 7 short, sweet tips for staying profitable. Business Profitability Tip #1: Don't stop marketing. Some business owners keep marketing until their schedules are full or their income is at a comfortable level, then they stop. As a result, if one of their clients stops working with them or reduces their purchases, they end up in a financial crisis. Even if you already have as many clients as you need,... Read More

DON'T Use This Teaching Point in Your Content Marketing if You Want to Get Clients

By: Stephanie Tuesday December 26, 2017 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Blogging, Article creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Public relations, Lead nurture, Social media, Video marketing

DON'T Use This Teaching Point in Your Content Marketing if You Want to Get Clients

When I receive a proposal for a guest post or evaluate a client's education-based marketing, there's one mistake that will make me say "can't publish, must revise" faster than almost any other. A mistake that wastes your audience's time, and will make you look useless in the eyes of your potential clients. That mistake is saying "learn how to X", "research how to Y", or "figure out how to Z". Why is this type of teaching point so unacceptable? Imagine if you were sitting in math class, and your teacher said, "Now figure out how... Read More

How to Block Out Surrounding Noise and Focus on Your Work

By: Stephanie Tuesday August 1, 2017 comments Tags: Time management, Copywriting, Blogging, Article creation, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing

How to Block Out Surrounding Noise and Focus on Your Work

Sometimes, you need to focus for a long period of time without getting distracted or bored. Whether it's writing a blog post, mapping out the content for a group program, finishing a project for a client, or anything else that requires a protracted period of mental concentration, I've found that having pleasant, non-distracting music in the background can be invaluable. It helps me to concentrate, and it makes the task a lot more fun. If you need help to concentrate on your longer and more mentally taxing tasks, here are some of my... Read More

Why Highly Educated People Often Struggle to Make Sales

By: Stephanie Tuesday July 18, 2017 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Public speaking, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Enrollment, Public relations, Lead nurture, Social media, Website design, Video marketing, Referral marketing

Why Highly Educated People Often Struggle to Make Sales

If you're a highly intelligent, educated person, you probably have a special challenge when it comes to making sales. You explain your offering to your client, you tell them what you'll help them do, and you give them a list of the things they'll get... ...but instead of getting as excited as you thought they would, and immediately taking action to purchase a product they obviously need, they go blank-eyed and seem to lose all interest. They might ask you "What does that mean?", give a neutrally polite "that's interesting", or tell... Read More

How To Build A High-Performance Lead Generation Website

Tuesday April 18, 2017 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Blogging, Article creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Content marketing, Branding, Website design

How To Build A High-Performance Lead Generation Website

Guest post byBrad Shorr . By now you should know that it doesnt matter how good your product or service is if you dont have the marketing skills necessary to drive customers to do business with you. The same idea applies to Internet marketing, where developing a high-performance lead generation website is absolutely crucial for any business to succeed. The number of products and services that sell themselves is so small that its insignificant. You simply cannot afford to have anything less than a fully functional and highly... Read More

Is Curiosity Attracting Clients To Your Products, or Pushing Them Away?

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 11, 2017 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Blogging, Article creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Webinar, Public relations, Lead nurture, Social media

Is Curiosity Attracting Clients To Your Products, or Pushing Them Away?

When you try to raise curiosity in your potential clients, are you actually getting them interested, or just confusing them and turning them off? There's a right way and a wrong way to build curiosity. I recently participated in a #wattpad4 conversation on Twitter , where fiction authors congregate to discuss their craft. While the conversation was focused on fiction books, one of the participants gave a piece of advice that applies very strongly to marketing: "It's crucial that the opening line be CLEAR. Any questions the... Read More



